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Ultima P700 and Ultima B100 at Ambroise-Paré Hospital (APHP)


Two new solutions were deployed successfully at Ambroise-Paré hospital: Ultima B100 using an EPSON PP100II burning solution and Ultima P700 for the printing solution.The staff received also a traning on these equipments.
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RDM training at Carcassonne’s public hospital


On the 20th of April, medical physicists from Carcassonne's public hospital had the opportunity to benefit from a one day training session on RDM. Our product specialist focused on the alerts settings. The training was associated to: 2 rooms in interventional ...
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RDM selected by Annecy Genevois University Hospital in France


RDM has been selected by Annecy Genevois University hospital. RDM will be connected to 6 CT scan and interventional radiology equipments. It is one of the most efficient medical establishments of the Haute-Savoie region (East of France). This hospital is also ...
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Medsquare presented RDM at the University Hospital of Grand Canary


Organized by the Canary Islands Society of Medical Physiccs (SOCAFIM), Medsquare participated in the Scientific Day entitled: patient monitoring in radiology. The event occured on the 28th of February at the University Hospital of Grand Canary and was the perfect ...
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European Day of Radiology


Launched by the ESR (European Society of Radiology), the European Day of Radiology is held every year on February 10 since 2011. This day celebrates the anniversary of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen’s death who first discovered x-rays. Medsquare supports this initiative ...
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RDM selected by Carcassonne’s hospital in France


RDM has been selected by Carcassonne's hospital in France. It is one of the most efficient medical establishments of the Languedoc-Roussillon region regarding reactivity and avanced technological equipments. The deployment is expected in the coming weeks.
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