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AuntMinnie: Medsquare unveils updated dose-monitoring software at ECR


Auntminnie Europe published on February 28, a news brief regarding Radiation Dose Monitor (RDM)'s last features presented at European Congress of Radiology (ECR). Click here to read Auntminnie Europe's full article:
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AuntMinnie: Medsquare highlights French dose management research


Auntminnie Europe just published on its page, a news brief of the last study conducted by Medical physicists from four hospitals of the Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) group. This study was based on Radiation Dose Monitor (RDM)...
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Imaging Technology News (ITN): Medsquare Adds Organ Dose Calculation Module to DACS RDM


Imaging Technology News (ITN) published an article on Radiation Dose Monitor (RDM)'s new module on calculation of the organ dose in partnership with Virtual Phantom Inc. Medsquare has also published a detailed article on Medsquare's partnership with Virtual Phantoms (...
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ECR 2017: Medsquare’s official communication in the Exhibitor Press Releases of myESR


Click here to read RDM's communication in the ECR official press room . Distributed at the ECR 2017, Medsquare will present the latest features of the DACS Radiation Dose Monitor (RDM).
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JFR 2016: RDM in the third journal issue of


Click here to read RDM's communication in the third journal issue of Distributed at JFR 2016, Medsquare will present the latest features of the DACS Radiation Dose Monitor (RDM).
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Medsquare in : Zoom on Arnaud Legland


The zoom on Arnaud Legland by presents Medsquare's key representative. It includes the biography, major achievements and accomplishments, major areas of interest along with a picture. Click here to read Arnaud Legland's profile in as a ...
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